Friday, April 04, 2014

The rich are always immoral - according to Jean


A friend, Jean Bosco Walsh posted the "Money is the root of evils" (see below) article from "Upworthy".

I commented on her Facebook:

"Wow! Should we tell our children to quit school, advise them to take hard drugs, drink at a young age, live in ghetto or on the streets, get in and out of jail, be dirt-poor and subsist on welfare... so that they will somehow and automatically be more honest? This kind of "studies" is junk, anecdotal and lacking of statistical understanding. These sloppy "experiments" with problematic sample size and population, incorrect inference and poor regression analysis imply ludicrously that an indigent person is (always or most probably) more honest than a "Bill Gates"! Correlation does not imply causation: a BMW driver who did not stop for pedestrians could be a teenager jerk and not because he/she is rich!!!"

Jean Bosco Walsh I wonder if you saw the monopoly game part of the video? your way jumping in correlation. ... not this study...

Michael Wyn " I watched the entire video. The monopoly game had too many variables (age, gender, population, sample size, location...) to be statistically significant. Several years ago a study claimed an increase of cancer incidents of children living under or nearpower line. Regression analysis identified the flawed methodology: most of the subjects in the study were poor, unhealthy children who also were living near or under power lines. Being poor does not make you virtuous."

Jean Bosco Walsh 30 studies on thousands......?? There are many flawed research studies to point to... just not sure it is relevant with this.... Let's play the rigged monopoly game , I bet we would both change given some time in our positions.... human nature....

Michael Wyn "Power line causes cancer. Vaccinations trigger autism. UFO's in Area 51. Flat earth. Fake moon landing. Money brings immorality. Conspiracies...: all have been soundly discredited. Human morality is not formed by how much money we have or have not. It is instilled by our upbringing, our family, friends and peers we have, inner strength to know right from wrong and our continuing daily assessment of our life. Throughout history there have been lots of noble wealthy folks and absolutely horrible poverty-stricken despicable characters."

Jean Bosco Walsh I know there are a lot of rich people who do good things with their money... got it.(And the video even showed some who made the pledge..... point of the study is the title..... "Take two normal....." Have you read the book "Only the super rich can save us" by Ralph Nader? It's a novel ... so don't start arguing facts with me!.

Michael Wyn I am glad that you agree with me and that you don't like facts!  There are many sensational one-liners and sound bites which are misleading and wrong. Who and what are two "normal" people? Are these mathematically average or median? Where do we find them? Are they randomly picked from (name your favorite town/locale: ghettos, Beverly Hills, rural or Harvard university, ... )? re. Ralph Nader: Isn't he a bit anachronistic?