Almost to the day in 1979 the Iranian revolution took place. The Shah of Iran was overthrown. The very impressive military machinery was overpowered by Ayatollah Khomeini returning from France. And the rest is history: a theocratic dictatorship in Iran ever since. It is an irony that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and its Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Hoseyni Khāmene’i came out - on the same side with the USA - supporting the Egyptian revolution!
Quick notes:
1. Unthinkable events [the overthrow of the Saudi Royal family, a nuclear war/exchange, ...] are not as unthinkable as we'd like to believe. The connectedness of global events, news, telecommunications and the increasing power of a group of common individuals or people can accelerate events.
2. Many traditional intelligence gathering apparatus have not been successful to predict/monitor/understand this new type of political changes/upheavals.
3. The concern of the USA's long time allies (Israel, Saudi Arabia, ..) due to its fickle and "opportunistic" foreign policy will further exasperated.
4. Powerful, international news organizations such as CNN breathlessly makes news instead of reporting it. Their reporters seem so naive and optimistic for a democratic Egypt after the revolution. The instability and risk of major war/problems for the Middle East, our allies and our national interest are very real and sobering.
5. The first democratic election in Egypt may be its only and last one similar to what happened in Hamas-controlled areas or World War II Nazi election.