Thursday, April 19, 2012


I have been reading quite a bit. I have a Nook and a Kindle Fire
so it's quite handy to take books with us while traveling. The most 
recent books I enjoy are:

1. "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson: A compelling story of a complex 
    human being.

2. "The Swerve: How the World Became Modern" by Stephen Greenblatt:
    An amazing story-telling of Western civilization to the Renaissance
    and Enlightenment.

3. "Knocking on Heaven's Door: How physics and Scientific Thinking illuminate
     the Universe and Modern World" by Lisa Randall. An explanation of
     the complex universe [or multi-verse] we live in from quantum physics
     to the cosmos. Highly recommended.

I really enjoy the free time to re-educate myself with books,
Netflix, magazines, newspapers, online Wikipedia,...

The difference I find that books [those I mentioned before] are much
more complex and are difficult to present in a different media such as
TV. I don't deny the power of visual presentations; we were quite
impressed with Netflix's "Downton Abbey" series and other
science programs from PBS. "Mao's last dancer" movie on Netflix
was also quite a powerful message. But it is not easy to present
ideas from "The Swerve" or Lisa Randall's "Touching Heaven's..."
books in video format.